Sunday, April 01, 2012

A mountainous wishlist

I so wish I could have these right here, right now

A landcruiser
20 days
A pair of north face
Bose noise canceling headphones on my I pod
No company

A girl needs a road trip. Alone. It's the only way to discover what you really want. And how hard you can kick when you're faced with a situation, and how much you can go without worry, and how much you can survive on limited resources.

When I have company, it's distraction, it's help. Two things i need to learn to live without.

I need the Himalayas.
Like a thirsty desert nomad needs water.

From where I stand right now, I am that nomad.

I 'want' what I 'need'. That's the 1st most important crossroad in life.


Absolute Chemystic said...

Hey Aarthi !
Good to hear from ya ! Long time, how've you been? Thanks to your message, I visited my blog after some two years I think. Phew. School has been crazy.Scratch that. School is crazy. What you up to?

Absolute Chemystic said...

Erm. I just left a comment and cant seem to find it. Anyways, just dropped by to say hi! Been a while. Good to hear from ya ! How've you been? I am drowning in school work. What you upto?

Absolute Chemystic said...

yo ! How’ve you been? I just saw your comment on my blog - which I haven’t visited in over 4 years. Phew !

I moved to Seattle from NY 4 years ago. But I would love to catch up with you over the phone, if you’re still in Ny. Let me know ! I tried replying to your message over email not sure if you got it.