Friday, November 05, 2010

tea talk

pretty wired up i feel.

there are many people, who have come along in these 22 years
who have shown me who i am, what i'm capable of, who have changed my life for better, not for worse.
some i've grown up with, some i've disagreed with, some i've loved.. some great people and some, incompetent people.

stability is pretty much a dream. there is nothing such as stability since everything, i believe, is volatile. our thoughts, our actions and our desires.

this year, things have changed tremendously.
my closest friend and sister has found, in a friend, the man worth committing to, for a lifetime.
parents are preparing to see that little girl grow up and be in the shoes that they were in, 26 years ago.
i'm in my final move of completing the first step towards my dream.
one of my best friends and mentor, is changing job, experimentally. just like a kid. just because he fancies it.
my few close, precious people are branching out into different futures.
i've found a soul sister.
i've found love.

change is changing me.

1 comment:

Sudarshan. A. G. said...

Open up.


