Thursday, December 31, 2009

41° 39' 50" North / 83° 33' 19" West

her longing was his..
his wish, hers
he is the earth, and she is the sky
they're both infinite..
they were as far as up and down
but they met over the horizon

like a dew drop on a cold morning grass
as unique and separate as the dew drop and the leaf
and as together as anything could be
that's how they are.

in that space between them,
love emerged.

they're one.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

the ONLY ones with the sixth sense ?

so...what's that sixth sense we have that none other than our species has ?
do we even have a sixth sense ?
or is that just a feel-good term to prove our utmost superiority to ourselves as a species ? in that very purpose of proving, we've failed. no one other than our own species gives a damn about who has a sixth sense or who is superior. if you were to tell an animal about it, it wouldn't even understand. not because it's so stupid. but because, that sense and you are so insignificant that it doesn't even matter. try telling a tiger, face to face.."i've a sixth sense, i've a sixth sense"
ha-ha.. you won't even be alive to see the next minute anyway. then you didn't even have COMMON sense.

many great men, in their times, have described the sixth sense as a 'special' sense...maybe an instinct !? no !
other animals have the same instincts as we do.
intellect ? what rubbish. intellect is detrimental. it's the shovel to our own graves.
could it be 'that' thing ? oh wait..WHAT thing?
i've heard from so many people that it could be a sense of humor !
so...animals don't have a sense of humor, huh?
i'm sure all the nature-lovers disagree. 1000 percent.

of course animals have a humor ! probably better than ours..and more animated.
how do cubs, kittens, and puppies play? how do dogs play ?.. if they dont have a sense of humor
have you seen puppies chase you the moment you take a quick step ahead and run? and then halt with playful, expecting eyes the moment you stop..
cubs and kittens run right behind colored objects (that scientifically proved 'black&white' vision theory for animals...i still have my own doubts. nature's not so stupid to make them totally colorblind after making them so vibrant and's like giving us sweets and surgically removing our taste buds ! science is in its infancy anyway..i don't know what it can prove.)

anyway, that's how erratic the mind is. it jumps from one place to another.
back to the 'sense of humor', i've a sparrow with his nest at my living-room window. this guy whistles back at me when i whistle at him. he holds this rope at the window and slides down with one leg..worth watching atleast once in a lifetime. if that's not humor, nothing in the world is.
birds have a sense of humor..they have their share of fun. all the time. they don't wear watches, they don't believe in deadlines. they live. live for the moment. and sing for the moment. maybe that's the basis to a really good 'sense' of humor. not just about performing funny standups for people..animals don't care about all that. and watching these comedy shows on tv !!! they just show us how shockingly large the scarcity of happiness in our lives is.

as kids, we did stupid things and laughed at stupid things. anything and everything humored us. the reason is...that we were not stupid. we were simply uninhibited. we laughed when we wanted to laugh and did what we thought made us happy. now as we grow up, these rules. and curbing. and oh, the absolute fright of being called a kid !
when we don't 'live', we don't laugh.
and to think we're busy spending our leisure time staring at inanimate bmw's outside car showrooms. even worse, on computer monitors.
if you're really missing some nature in your life, now's the time to reassess'll show you what a sense of humor REALLY is.
i'll get back to where i began

6th sense ? what is that ?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

we became.

define 'define'.
define 'wannabe'.

choose between wannabe and cool

it's wannabe to wanna be cool
is it cool to wannabe? haha.. surprisingly, yes.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

we love to teach....we love to preach..'s as beautiful to learn :-)

"you learn something everyday if you pay attention"
Ray LeBlond

Sunday, July 05, 2009


i'm so impulsive's almost like i've been suggested to say these things after listening to their music

nusrat fateh ali khan..
what did you do to be able to sing a song like mann ki lagan so beautifully

kailash kher...simple enough to take your breath away
jagjit singh..
flute ramani..bombay jayashree..
i don't think god could bless anyone more

floyd and mark knopfler are sitting around, smiling. come back.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

doctor's day ? yes..

doctors. the making, but eventually doctors, right ?
we had our day off. after attending the regulars..posting, lectures
there was bandra worli sealink..toll-free drive through 30 mins of cars and traffic
a bunch of carefree people, flavor of the month (remaining-of-the-month) gelatos, rainy weather and donuts. wholesome day, nice company, and empty pockets

rarely, empty pockets feel nice. like when the day has been worth spending on :)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

mi carino
are you really busy ?
or is all this just naatak
nevertheless, wish me

Friday, June 26, 2009

Random rubbish

too many things.

first of all, i'm busy. but that doesn't mean i dont do the things that i like doing most - talking to close friends, hunting down the sale shops, and spending time on the net.
if there'd be 5 things i can't live without, i'd say thats too less, make it 10 things. internet would be no.2
internet for...mail access- number one priority. visiting some new crazy website everyday, learning more things. ivillage-hotspot for all bored women.
chatting (which, thanks to some mahaan vip's isn't happening as often) and sudarshan's blog is far from updated. it's downdated actually..internet fossil material you may call the only brainstorming i enjoy reading is also fast asleep
my blog. only thing left

a few days back someone was telling me that the current govnment has lowest ever inflation in history. i told him, use your brain, what ? what just happened 3 days back to the prices ? french beans have never costed 68 bucks a kg. all these years.
food inflation. human deflation. how inverse !
If you want to know about country economics, dont watch news channels or read big papers. ask vegetable vendors and housewives, they'll give you master education. Probably have a graph running too. They deal with the first indicators of a dire economic prices.

On to the other things..
It's rained heavy today. which is why I'm so hyper. Which means, fun.
Beautiful calming day and a welcome break from the heat.
I just hope mumbai is geared up better than 26/7

More photography this monsoon. More raindrops, more flowers and leaves, more fresh greens, more nonsense and narcissism.

dinner time

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


If they say sweet 16, I wonder what they say about 21.
For there isn't a better age to arrive at !
It's the beginning of a new subset of life. Responsibility...oh u can be a child if you wanna :) no one's ever gonna stop u. Don't rush into's enough if u have it in mind. No one wants it on paper. For another two or three years at least.

Save all the undue paranoia a lot of people go through.
21 is beautiful.
Young. Stunning.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

deja vous

(monsoon 09: bedroom window)

morning walks are always hopeful..
Every cloud has a silver lining. But this time, its the clouds that i want. There are some heavy clouds set over the eastern 8.30 a.m.
Finally !
The crows are behaving their usual odd monsoon way. Looking fully wet and stupid as hell. That's a great sign :) monsoon walks, monsoon talks, monsoon chais, monsoon almost-drenched ccd conversations, monsoon fiction books, monsoon romances.. Can you smell the earth? What about monsoon poker sessions ! I'm sure the gangal duo is showing thumbs up ! Hail monsoons !


origin of the word monsoon : arabic word mausim which actually means season

monsoon 2008 : home
courtesy : iloveu doll and the raindrop (for posing) , aarthi kannan

Saturday, June 06, 2009



i can't be sensible anymore. well, atleast more sensible than i've been.
i don't wanna be so careful with the words i choose, where i tread...oh blah ! who the hell cares, anyway ?
i'm not writing some 'think about' post this time. cuz i'm tired of waiting to write till my brains switch on. so dont blame me if this post is crap (as i'd warned you previously)

have you ever been idle and actually googled stuff like 'timepass' or 'what should i do when i'm free'
well, i have.the results were disastrous, nowhere close to what i wanted to do.
never mind,cuz i wasn't actually idle. i was just too crabbed with the idea of finishing off the things i have to. i'm an idle old girl with lots of work, lots of unwillingness to do her work, hardly any time to waste, and yet here i am, writing total rubbish !
you've no idea why ? me neither.
i've to make a gift i'd promised a friend, i've to complete my driving lessons, my music lessons, i've half taken up all the possible sports and left them hanging around, i've been wanting to go to corbett since i dont know when. and i've time to do all this, yet no time

everytime something comes up, i avoid it saying "i've to study"
hahahah. what Crap
believe me, i've been saying that for one whole month and i don't even know the color of my textbooks. nevertheless, i'm halfheartedly going to try. cuz my other half heart is all over the world, traveling to dream destinations like monaco, stockholm, las vegas, and sanfrancisco.
oh by the way, a friend of mine has suggested something great to watch
try getting ur hands on 'monty python'..i nearly died laughing at it. i think i'm gonna go and buy this stuff
and waste more time. and rush up an alarming blood-pressure the week before exams.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

the story of 'same'

when no two persons
no two trees
no two moments
no two planets
no two atoms
can be the same....

how can the way each one of us thinks, be the same at two different points in time?

change is the order of life.
the sooner we realize this, the easier it will be to get over words like 'hypocrisy'

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

la tormenta

one thing that definitely appeals to all of us.
but when it gets boring what do you do ? sure, we all go through this at one point of time.
then you get up and leave for all hell may break loose or the floor may burn behind you. and still you wouldnt turn back to look. 'cuz thats the power of boring conversation.

ok here's the thing:

people are talking. (not friends, but may be even at work or school..or just with your peers)
you're just sitting around getting bored, contributing to the conversation would be the last thing on your mind. suddenly.

not a rare it ? if it's a nicely gripping maze of boredom, the yawns that can turn out of this one are phenomenal.
of course, it wouldn't too long before you find yourself begging god under your breath for a helicopter right next to your chair.

i'm not a conversation queen..i'm rather the silent wanderer with the weirdest of thoughts flying in my own world. sometimes i'm in the middle of a conversation, lost, wondering what the color of the underwear that each person is wearing could be (ultra low waists save me the trouble but damage my imagination though)
it amuses me. a good lot does that
(to all my friends reading this post, now you know why you should have me involved in you talks)

but i still can't talk to turn heads for nuts.
i walk if i want to turn heads..but i'll tell you about that later

that's where it's at.
i cant make for-the-sake-of-it conversation. i'd rather talk and listen for long hours about the political system if it interested me. or maybe about how birds behave when they migrate. or the minuscule details of the machine that makes chocolate chips. and the sorts.
offbeat, yeah. we are all offbeat in that peculiar sense of liking something that's unique for each one of us.

i can get over involved, even mesmerized, in a conversation that suits me. and so a suitable conversationalist.
but never for too long in the same crap about day to day life. fortunately for me, this is deja vous for all of us
(yet ironically, the chatter-nonsense types are also the one who spend most time in front of the tv listening to more hogwash than they can talk. i 'wow' that)

what would you do ?
-change the topic
-or play along for the heck of it
-or keep quiet and continue to get bored
-or get yourself involved in a game on your mobile
-or get up and take off ?

-or quietly draw one person in the corner into talking about what pleases you (oh, this nosy type, i tell you)

i've a kind solution.
if you're really bored and you cannot do a thing about it, just
imagine. involve your mind in something funny about the people around you and give in to a giggle when you need it. that way, self-involvement is a great thing. if you can get away, do something with your time. don't give in to useless conversations just because you have nothing to do.
of course, a good outing...or a massage would prove more useful.

a note for people who enjoy talking rubbish : i salute you, and i wish i could do what you do. cuz then i wouldnt get so bored

yet, the best things in life don't always involve talking ;)

happy conversation-ing !