Saturday, June 06, 2009



i can't be sensible anymore. well, atleast more sensible than i've been.
i don't wanna be so careful with the words i choose, where i tread...oh blah ! who the hell cares, anyway ?
i'm not writing some 'think about' post this time. cuz i'm tired of waiting to write till my brains switch on. so dont blame me if this post is crap (as i'd warned you previously)

have you ever been idle and actually googled stuff like 'timepass' or 'what should i do when i'm free'
well, i have.the results were disastrous, nowhere close to what i wanted to do.
never mind,cuz i wasn't actually idle. i was just too crabbed with the idea of finishing off the things i have to. i'm an idle old girl with lots of work, lots of unwillingness to do her work, hardly any time to waste, and yet here i am, writing total rubbish !
you've no idea why ? me neither.
i've to make a gift i'd promised a friend, i've to complete my driving lessons, my music lessons, i've half taken up all the possible sports and left them hanging around, i've been wanting to go to corbett since i dont know when. and i've time to do all this, yet no time

everytime something comes up, i avoid it saying "i've to study"
hahahah. what Crap
believe me, i've been saying that for one whole month and i don't even know the color of my textbooks. nevertheless, i'm halfheartedly going to try. cuz my other half heart is all over the world, traveling to dream destinations like monaco, stockholm, las vegas, and sanfrancisco.
oh by the way, a friend of mine has suggested something great to watch
try getting ur hands on 'monty python'..i nearly died laughing at it. i think i'm gonna go and buy this stuff
and waste more time. and rush up an alarming blood-pressure the week before exams.


1 comment:

Absolute Chemystic said...

ya i have loads of work to do now.
i was really excited about it, when i did not 'need' to do it, bt now that i have to, it seems less exciting. so now i just sit and dream about other things i dont 'have' to do, and hoping i wud never have to do them, so i can continue dreaming about them ;)