Wednesday, January 28, 2009

la tormenta

one thing that definitely appeals to all of us.
but when it gets boring what do you do ? sure, we all go through this at one point of time.
then you get up and leave for all hell may break loose or the floor may burn behind you. and still you wouldnt turn back to look. 'cuz thats the power of boring conversation.

ok here's the thing:

people are talking. (not friends, but may be even at work or school..or just with your peers)
you're just sitting around getting bored, contributing to the conversation would be the last thing on your mind. suddenly.

not a rare it ? if it's a nicely gripping maze of boredom, the yawns that can turn out of this one are phenomenal.
of course, it wouldn't too long before you find yourself begging god under your breath for a helicopter right next to your chair.

i'm not a conversation queen..i'm rather the silent wanderer with the weirdest of thoughts flying in my own world. sometimes i'm in the middle of a conversation, lost, wondering what the color of the underwear that each person is wearing could be (ultra low waists save me the trouble but damage my imagination though)
it amuses me. a good lot does that
(to all my friends reading this post, now you know why you should have me involved in you talks)

but i still can't talk to turn heads for nuts.
i walk if i want to turn heads..but i'll tell you about that later

that's where it's at.
i cant make for-the-sake-of-it conversation. i'd rather talk and listen for long hours about the political system if it interested me. or maybe about how birds behave when they migrate. or the minuscule details of the machine that makes chocolate chips. and the sorts.
offbeat, yeah. we are all offbeat in that peculiar sense of liking something that's unique for each one of us.

i can get over involved, even mesmerized, in a conversation that suits me. and so a suitable conversationalist.
but never for too long in the same crap about day to day life. fortunately for me, this is deja vous for all of us
(yet ironically, the chatter-nonsense types are also the one who spend most time in front of the tv listening to more hogwash than they can talk. i 'wow' that)

what would you do ?
-change the topic
-or play along for the heck of it
-or keep quiet and continue to get bored
-or get yourself involved in a game on your mobile
-or get up and take off ?

-or quietly draw one person in the corner into talking about what pleases you (oh, this nosy type, i tell you)

i've a kind solution.
if you're really bored and you cannot do a thing about it, just
imagine. involve your mind in something funny about the people around you and give in to a giggle when you need it. that way, self-involvement is a great thing. if you can get away, do something with your time. don't give in to useless conversations just because you have nothing to do.
of course, a good outing...or a massage would prove more useful.

a note for people who enjoy talking rubbish : i salute you, and i wish i could do what you do. cuz then i wouldnt get so bored

yet, the best things in life don't always involve talking ;)

happy conversation-ing !


Nissim said...

I play games generating random numbers on my calculator.
The 'wonder'wear game is interesting though.
Always had this thing for silence, have you?

Nice quote on love by the side as well.

virgo said...

kya re, after a long long time!
this post got a smile on my face thinking of those 'house parties'.
I have always been a silent spectator - except for some bursts in the quality of conversation. And political talk, i am telling you is never ending and it makes you feel so weak for not being able to do any damn thing-
I don't know but i think sense and simplicity is the key - those good coffees, tasty food, vodka, scotch, sweet mornings etc. when u savor the whole aura set so comfortably for you, whats there to get bored about?
and yeah as you say not all best things in the world need to do with talking ;)

a said... parties are still fine
there seems to be a diurnal variation in the things that people talk everyday. whats spoken in the day is way different from whats spoken at night
maybe uve noticed that !
its freaky u know
the foods something that always makes me smile. or maybe watch-tv time. and yeah...nice talks. a little bit of everything. a little bit of philosophy also and maybe a bit of reality..
but muddy long can u do that ! i mean...wheres the versatility of a conversation if no one shows who they are

Absolute Chemystic said...

hi aarthi, jus chanced across your blog.
I realised just sometime back, that most ppl dont show who they are due to the fear of being judged by the listener. hence they dont open up, so nothing much to talk about, other than the weather ;) Atleast in the nyc where i live, the weather changes everyday, so "that" does lend some versatility :) Bt theres only so much the weather can contribute to your conversation (!) and unfortunately for me, I can be "comfortably" silent only with some, with the others, the silence gets pretty awkward !

a said...

so what if you're judged!

Absolute Chemystic said...

well a lot of people do care about what others think of them, in fact they give it so much importance that it prevents them from opening up to you.
I have interacted with a few folks and felt that there's something that's holding them back, I initially thought it was me, the way I was with them, bt later realised that its them ! we build our own barriers ;)

Absolute Chemystic said...

btw am sorry for making that comment so long !
and that quote on love, by the side is soo true !

a said...

on second thoughts, rubbish talk is fun. but you don't realise how much fun it is,if you do it day after day. then the rubbish part remains and the fun part goes to sleep
i'd rather save nonsense for a rainy day :)