Friday, March 31, 2006

the 18th blossom....

18, sounds...well... advertising...?!

i've turned 18....and, it's not an overnight journey to becoming more responsible..
in india, it's about crossing the first legal barrier in life...
i'm not happy, or sad.. it doesnt seem to make that much of a difference to the emotional aspect of it.
but one thing's for sure, i've started realising a change in myself in the last few's a substantial change in a relatively short period of time !
every important thing has changed- my outlook towards life, people, the way i deal with people, what really interests me, who really interests me..
and of course, the big thing that i'm aiming for...and thats where my priority lies...where the very heart of my wishes lies..

i realise why 18 is a legal barrier... it involves a lot of difference in the way you start looking at life...
your hormones start taking a backseat.. so you think clearer, and start realising so much more.
adolescence hasnt completely ended though...i realise what a 15-year-old i turn into when i see clothes..or shoes...

but yeah, let me tell you there's a rush inside me...when i say...i'm 18 ! :)
it's a whole new feeling- a feeling of freedom, a bit of grown-up-ness...excuse my english there

fact remains...i'm half adolescent...and i enjoy it thoroughly !
i turn 16 again when i look into the mirror and crib about blemishes on my face or when my hair looks limp and horse-tailey
call it silly...

but thats the way it is
oh, but my dad treats me like i'm still annoying !


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