Tuesday, November 03, 2009

the ONLY ones with the sixth sense ?

so...what's that sixth sense we have that none other than our species has ?
do we even have a sixth sense ?
or is that just a feel-good term to prove our utmost superiority to ourselves as a species ? in that very purpose of proving, we've failed. no one other than our own species gives a damn about who has a sixth sense or who is superior. if you were to tell an animal about it, it wouldn't even understand. not because it's so stupid. but because, that sense and you are so insignificant that it doesn't even matter. try telling a tiger, face to face.."i've a sixth sense, i've a sixth sense"
ha-ha.. you won't even be alive to see the next minute anyway. then you didn't even have COMMON sense.

many great men, in their times, have described the sixth sense as a 'special' sense...maybe an instinct !? no !
other animals have the same instincts as we do.
intellect ? what rubbish. intellect is detrimental. it's the shovel to our own graves.
could it be 'that' thing ? oh wait..WHAT thing?
i've heard from so many people that it could be a sense of humor !
so...animals don't have a sense of humor, huh?
i'm sure all the nature-lovers disagree. 1000 percent.

of course animals have a humor ! probably better than ours..and more animated.
how do cubs, kittens, and puppies play? how do dogs play ?.. if they dont have a sense of humor
have you seen puppies chase you the moment you take a quick step ahead and run? and then halt with playful, expecting eyes the moment you stop..
cubs and kittens run right behind colored objects (that scientifically proved 'black&white' vision theory for animals...i still have my own doubts. nature's not so stupid to make them totally colorblind after making them so vibrant and colorful....it's like giving us sweets and surgically removing our taste buds ! science is in its infancy anyway..i don't know what it can prove.)

anyway, that's how erratic the mind is. it jumps from one place to another.
back to the 'sense of humor', i've a sparrow with his nest at my living-room window. this guy whistles back at me when i whistle at him. he holds this rope at the window and slides down with one leg..worth watching atleast once in a lifetime. if that's not humor, nothing in the world is.
birds have a sense of humor..they have their share of fun. all the time. they don't wear watches, they don't believe in deadlines. they live. live for the moment. and sing for the moment. maybe that's the basis to a really good 'sense' of humor. not just about performing funny standups for people..animals don't care about all that. and watching these comedy shows on tv !!! they just show us how shockingly large the scarcity of happiness in our lives is.

as kids, we did stupid things and laughed at stupid things. anything and everything humored us. the reason is...that we were not stupid. we were simply uninhibited. we laughed when we wanted to laugh and did what we thought made us happy. now as we grow up, these rules. and curbing. and oh, the absolute fright of being called a kid !
when we don't 'live', we don't laugh.
and to think we're busy spending our leisure time staring at inanimate bmw's outside car showrooms. even worse, on computer monitors.
if you're really missing some nature in your life, now's the time to reassess it..it'll show you what a sense of humor REALLY is.
i'll get back to where i began

6th sense ? what is that ?


Reddo! said...

that one legged slide is a show of the male to attract the female. I know a woldlife documentary maker who won an award for filming this. :)

I believe animals have a much much more refined sixth sense when compared to human beings. Things like the approach of spring, or the winter, the arrival of the monsoons.. they dont need satellites to figure that out .:)

virgo said...

sixth sense!! aah, i just hope its the predictability of outcomes(certain), mistaken as sixth sense...

regarding kids, they are unrepentant selfish sociopaths!!!
lol i came across this onion article
