Sunday, February 10, 2008

here i come yet again

And we Laugh.
that's just the side everyone gets to see.
when you cry, you cry alone.. not because the world wants to leave u alone but you're too scared to be called a sissy..
I cry. In front of the world..
let them all know that they can frustrate me sometimes too.
see if people have the guts to accept the fact that they can piss you off sometimes.
most of them dont.. that's why they try to make it alright by laughing their not-a-penny-worth's-ass off like they did nothing wrong.
how informational !..sorta makes me glad

infinite emotions...all packed into 1400 cc of gray matter. how unfair !!!


Rush said...

I often read your your writings!

This particular post struck a chord, slightly touchy one..
yes! we are scared of crying in public for fear of being called a "sissy" and also for fear of letting our guard down. And it's not just us, but people, in general, just look down upon those who cry. But, I know how liberating it is to just cry when you feel like, be done with the emotional burden and then get up and keep going! It just boils down to being yourself, no matter what people might say. It is true freedom!

Sudarshan. A. G. said...

You don't have to cry only when u have been pissed off have you?

You could even get soggy-eyed at the end of Matrix or 'Pursuit of Happyness' ? :)

Nissim said...

very nice post...interesting idea this crying in public.
suggest another movie to get soggy eyed...TZP.

a said...

at the end of matrix ???
why not kyunki saas.. ? for the regret of having wasted a portion of this limited life