Sunday, September 10, 2006

the green light at the traffic signal

On an afternoon of free flowing thoughts, my fingers are delightfully typing away the thoughts of a day in the week that just passed..
The story about a little green light, that helped me sort my life.

Before i go on to it, here are 2 questions you ought to ask yourself :

1. Do you REALLY stop, and take time out for yourself and your problems ?

to think about all the amazing things you have..when you needn't have been lucky enough ? to think of your problems and find a way to solve them..

your problem may be SMALL..
or something really BIG
and most commonly as it occurs, it seems small to the rest of the world, and only you know how much it annoys the life out of you.

anyhow, it's just there..hanging around..
and you claim to think about it. but if you think about it at all the wrong times..
-during lectures
-at work
-when you're out for a coffee with friends
-or maybe out on a date

-when you're spending that rare 'quality time' with your family or a loved one..
does it get you anywhere ?
your lecturer sounds like a moron...your coffee tastes bitter, your date turns out a bozo, and your family doesn't seem to understand you.
do you realise how substantially perspectives change when you think about your problems at wrong times in the day ?

it may sound stupid when i say that it's better we don't think about our problems at particular times of the day..the reason being, the mind's not really under the control of what you wish you could always think of.
on the contrary, reality shows you that your problems occupy a huge chunk of your consciousness. you keep thinking about them and magnifying them, blowing them out of proportions till your life seems to be suspended at the edge of a cliff..

2. More importantly, do you think when you have to think ?
Do you think of what troubles you before you go to sleep ? do you think of it when you get back home from college or from work ?
think when you're alone. it helps you think better.
think about it when your mind is clear. when you're low, never come to a conclusion regarding problems..
just phone a friend and talk.
if that's not possible,take a small'll be cool again.

My little experience :

last friday, on my way back home from college, there was an unending traffic line at sion..
and to make things better, my green signal was really short.. talk about bad luck.
the GREEN light appeared and the deafening honking began..i was, like what it seemed, miles away from the signal. my cab moved with the infinitely long traffic line for a few seconds..and the RED took over
the whole process repeated twice and I was quite frustrated at the end of it.
after a lifetime of waiting, we crossed the green light..
strangely, it seemed to relate to my problem..that though i was crabbed with the frequency of the signal, i knew, all the way, that i was definitely going to get that green somehow.

my problem with life, was my impatience with regard to my expectations..
and this, is the real problem with most of us.
you don't wait long enough for what you want. you don't wait till the situation bends your way..

so, here's what you'd like to be reminded about..

When you want something to happen, just work for it. And wait.
put your best foot forward..
It has to go your way, because there's no other way it can.

Things may seem to stop you or take you backward, but it's upto you to have faith in yourself.
I totally believe in the green light at the traffic signal. Do you ?



Nissim said...

true...most of us don't wait long enough...dont keep at it long enough.
i waited 7 yrs to get an admission into an IIT....when it came I got 2 IITs and IISc.
When it rains,it pours.
the 7 yrs meanwhile felt like one LOOONGG Red signal
Well written as always.
P.S: The Sion signal has a bad frequency ;)

The iceman said...

yeah..i do relate a lot to this..was contemplating quitting my job but then the inevitable what if popped up ..a few more days at work and then again the same thoughts...all i could think of was this and life naturally was miserable..i finally took the plunge...and now things have begun to look up...kindo got my inspiration from Paulo Coelho's "The alchemist" which this blog's tone seems to resemble

Anonymous said...

To me this is the best of all your pieces.This attitude will always kepp one at peace with oneself.Great work.
Did not expect such great deal of maturity from an 18-year young :D

Anonymous said...

yea! even i thot u were sounding like paulo coelho :P
nice one :)

Anonymous said...

Trying to send some signal across to ppl? nice blog. hav been reading quite a few of urs since directed thr by nissim.
we jst dun seem to give time to ourselves. we all want to get ahead someway and dun think and take things one at a time. patience is truely the key to things we do nto control. sadly i fail to realise so myself many a times. i'll keep a watch for the signal the next time.

Anonymous said...

perpsective .
a word that has both breadth ...and depth.

Anonymous said...

the question is never if... it is and has always been when.. and if u have patience (well, 90% dont) and ofcourse the will, then it all falls in place

The iceman said...

hallo seems to be keeping u very busy i guess..neways me gonna go incommunicado for a TV, comp or at my grandparents place...not that chennai is getting too much for me...just a break
hoping to have lot of blogs (also comments on my blog too) to catch up on...keep blogging

Sudarshan. A. G. said...

A great analogy!

Red lights aren't evil per se, are they? They offer scope for self-analysis... Something that should be pounced upon. (not too often though! :) )

"reality shows you that your problems occupy a huge chunk of your consciousness. you keep thinking about them and magnifying them, blowing them out of proportions till your life seems to be suspended at the edge of a cliff.." --> Making of a psychiatrist eh? :)

Anonymous said...

phew! lotsa funda!! but good.

The iceman said... back in chennai and online...but disappointed to see that the blog is just the way i left keeping u very busy aye..btw u might want to check out "Emerging Mind. Vilayanur S. Ramachandran"..very interesting book

Nitin said...

Kuddos to you for writing such a wonderful thought... Had actually made me felt the importance of a green signal... be it anywhere.

Reddo! said...

i dont know if you realise the depth of what you ve written but it was a really good read. its really nice that someone so young can think on these lines.

a said...

god ! it feels nice to have these many supportive comments :)P
anyway, yeah suds.. red signals do make you think..and somehow are always longer than the green ones. maybe i'll continue this post into part II as a red signal(that might give a negative note though !)
but i have time now, and something's happened to my bheja..prolly got fried. cant think !! cant write !!
and yes, maybe i'll be a psychiatrist someday ! :)

Reddo! said...

the pleasure in reading this post hasnt diminished over the last 2 years