Monday, October 06, 2008

dedi to...the people who need it

pepper is good..

pepper spray is better :)
effective. revengeful.

cheers !

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

the eyes of the beholder

I've come across just too many dramatic statements by famous authors and intellects, that don't really define beauty.
They just come along, one after another and confuse the heck out of you and me, till we drop this excellent idea of wanting to pursue the real meaning of beauty.

Marie Stopes said : ''You can take no credit for beauty at sixteen. But if you are beautiful at sixty, it will be your soul's own doing''
what truth !

but then Jean Kerr popped up and slipped another quote in : "I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That's deep enough. What do you want - an adorable pancreas?"
Laughter. No arguments.
What truth, again.

And of course, like you, i too have come across a lot of scoop on how beauty is brain and vice-versa. That concept has never failed to impress me or make me think. Yet, i wonder why that connecting word 'is' is actually there between two words like beauty and brain which can be independently appreciated. It's an extraneous connection.

I personally have always been of the opinion that beauty is of little importance without intellect.
But bad genes, my dear, are bad genes. Intellect is no consolation for that.

Einstein wasn't the best looking man on the planet, but he was definitely one of the most intelligent. Point noted, Your Honour. We all want to be the smart ones.
Yet, in this world where people are criticizing external beauty so ruthlessly and so many of us seem to disregard it with apparent unimportance....
why does each one of us, no matter how minimally, still want to contribute to better physical appearance and grooming ? here's the truth : beauty may be skin deep, but it bothers us to the core.

Beauty is skin deep. YES. is there a problem ?
Alright, let it be skin deep. However deep it is, it's only the skin that shows it.
So wouldn't it be rather stupid to have that beauty all the way down to your flesh?

And then, for those of us who go around arguing about whether beauty is inner beauty or is it just limited to what we look like...
let's make things simpler for ourselves. there are different kinds of beauty.
physical beauty is what pleases our superficial senses, vision and touch.
inner beauty, as we call it, is what pleases our deep sense, feeling.

Sharon stone is beautiful. Mother Teresa is beautiful. Princess Diana is beautiful. Mahatma Gandhi is beautiful. George Clooney is beautiful. Abdul Kalam is beautiful.With due respects to each person, all of us have our own, special charm. It would be unfair to run either down, be it outer or inner beauty.

Let's not console ourselves for things that we do not have, and instead spend more time learning to love ourselves for the lovely things that we have. Loving oneself makes one beautiful more than anything ever can..

Tuesday, February 19, 2008 title needed

"frankly, i'm not sure people have the brains to manage the technology they've got"

- hobbes

Sunday, February 10, 2008

adonis...away i go

charm is a confusing and confused thing....
so beautiful, and yet so devouring
itself doesn't know what it intends to do. it tries to be sardonic, sadistic and finally is too goddamn successful.
i feel it..

here i come yet again

And we Laugh.
that's just the side everyone gets to see.
when you cry, you cry alone.. not because the world wants to leave u alone but you're too scared to be called a sissy..
I cry. In front of the world..
let them all know that they can frustrate me sometimes too.
see if people have the guts to accept the fact that they can piss you off sometimes.
most of them dont.. that's why they try to make it alright by laughing their not-a-penny-worth's-ass off like they did nothing wrong.
how informational !..sorta makes me glad

infinite emotions...all packed into 1400 cc of gray matter. how unfair !!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

anti rules - part II

it feels good to break rules and norms.

i'm not saying this out of sheer adrenaline. or agitation. or teenage revolt.
having crossed the second decade of my life, i can boldly say that there's still a little bit of rush, but so much more of calm.
teenage has been lovely...with all those crazy hormones going haywire, god knows how we thought what we did was always right.
of late, i've thought quite a few things over...the usual...and i've been wondering how you actually set yourself free...not physically or mentally, but free in the sense of the word. completely free..

we've been just too weak to even realise that our minds are so fiercely bound by ropes like false guilt and taboo.
nothing is a taboo, that comes to you naturally.
when you come around to gather the right mental strength, you'll know to go with nature..the nature of your feelings, your emotions, your life... and feel incredibly beautiful about it.

we were born to live..
let's live it up, baby !
