Wednesday, November 28, 2007

gar lic ky ..

a friend once said potatoes are better gifts for lovers than roses...

interesting, right ?

but hey...if we can boil down to potatoes then why not garlic ?
it's stronger, it has 'essence', shoots don't sprout around and create a mess...and of course, it lives much longer than a potato.
from an angle, garlic is closer to looking heart-shaped than a potato is.
give garlic the credit, man

because gifting ur sweetheart a garlic, says :
''hey darling, you're plain to look at...and even if the world finds u stinky...
on the long run, you're great for my heart !!!'' :)

hail, garlic !

Friday, November 09, 2007

to a friend who made me think..

does humility take you where nothing else can ?

is arrogance just a shield for those who cower feebly behind a low self-esteem ?

is the superman IMAGE what people think, makes them gain respect, without even knowing who a real superman is...maybe the real superman is more than just a macho guy who wears his red underwear outside his pants.
maybe we should learn to bow down.. it's far more difficult than we also makes us stronger than we imagine.

pride has a fall,when someone reaches it and pushes you down
humility takes you so high up that no one even gets there, leave alone pushing you down.


Thursday, November 01, 2007

suffocating 'freedom of thought'...

Gregory David Roberts opens brilliantly in Shantaram,
" It took me a long time and most of the world to learn what i know about love and fate, and the choices we make, but the heart of it came to me in an instant, while i was chained to a wall and being tortured. I realized somehow, through the screaming in my mind, that even in the shackled, bloody helplessness, i was still free.
Free to hate the men who were torturing me, or to forgive them. It doesn't sound like much, I know. But in that flinch and bite of the chain, when it's all you've got, that freedom is a universe of possibility "

Brilliance, I'll say. Unadulterated.
There's nothing better that can define the freedom that the mind has.

It shows that no potential mind barrier like right or wrong, good or bad, ethical or unethical, or even the feeling of revenge can stop you from thinking and doing what you want to.
There are no red signals or speed breakers. There are no rules.

Rules make people hypocrites. Big hypocrites.
Have you managed to accept rules, in the depths of your being ? Have you ever realised how futile they are and how they weaken your mind ?
Rules are meaningless stamps. They are loud expressions of a certain majority that we pretend to follow, however unwillingly.
They deny a huge array of choices in life. They strangle infinite pathways reducing them to a few and close our thinking at some point of time.

Where there are unnecessary rules, there's confinement.
Where there's confinement, there's hypocrisy.
All this, just because freedom of thought is far more unaffected as compared to freedom of expression which, hides and changes depending on the people who hang around.

Rules makes our opinions untrue and fluid. We're scared of speaking out and being ourselves.
We're moving towards losing self-acceptance.
We're losing dimensions of our identity with every moment that passes by and filling all the empty spaces with meaningless rules.
The same rules stop us, deceive us and destroy us.

The next time you write on a ruled sheet of'll grasp the degree of confinement..
an empty sheet of paper gives you the freedom to do what you can't do with neatness on a ruled sheet of paper..

the only difference being, life is more than just paper.

Food for thought is... think whether you're thinking often enough about what you really want to think, or are there rules even in your mind ?

in case you're wondering what conviction is about, if it isn't about rules...conviction and rules stand miles apart. they're parallel but nowhere close to being called 'similar' because, conviction is what you make..meaningfully, by yourself and for yourself. and they're what you should really stand by.

''Where the MIND is without fear, and the head is held high...''
lets learn.


Friday, March 23, 2007


Ahhhh (stretching)
...... it's been such a long time since i thought...i's amazing how some of us don't find good time to do things worth doing..things that we like
nevertheless, let's get started.

the last couple of months have made me think about a lot more than i've wanted to realise...
a lot about the people i spend my time with..the place i need to spend most of my time at..
everything IS definitely happening too quickly. faster than i can even think
but what i've been thinking is what i've been realising..

Isn't it very true that our eyes are the key to our hearts ? or maybe the keyhole....
either way you'll never miss seeing what's inside

''There is a road from the eye to heart that does not go through the intellect.''


I'll bet. twice.

True happiness shows if it's in your eyes...they sparkle with ecstasy..and deeper inside, peace

from elation to anger, from love to hatred, from virtue to vice, from appreciation to jealousy, from fortitude to fear,
from positive to negative energy...eyes are undoubtedly the only door to the truth -
fortunately or unfortunately, due to the fact that our eyes are best connected to the conscience.

Conscience is the God of it all. it tells you what you should be doing, what you shouldn't be doing, and when you still go ahead and do that something which you shouldn't be doing, even just lying... it flashes in the eye and gives you away.

Eye probably the best language known to mankind

the next time you're in a situation that demands the truth,
don't you think you should watch out for all those eyes ?